Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Things to be grateful for...

I have so many things to be grateful for, and yet, sometimes I completely forget about them and just whine instead.  Well, it is time to correct that.

1.  I am grateful for my health.  Yes I have those niggly things that annoy me, but I am capable of moving and working and singing, and that is more than enough to be grateful for.

2.  I am grateful I have a job.  So many people do not have a job, and I am lucky that I do.

3.  My husband.  How he puts up with me, I will never know, but he does, and I love him and I am terribly grateful for that.

4.  I am grateful for the weather.  It is never boring in the UK!  We can get 4 seasons in one day...and usually get wet at some point! 

5.  The homeopath I am going to.  I don't know how she does what she does, but man, it works!!  I haven't had so much energy in years. 

6.  Memorygirl and her challenges.  This is an amazingly positive thing I am involved in at the moment.  Here is a link to her blog...and the Mr Big Challenges.  It is astounding how much I am getting out of this at the moment.  Go here http://memorygirlandfriends.blogspot.com/2010/09/golden-rolodex-challenge.html to fin out more and join in!

7.  The fact I am finally getting on with my professional portfolio so that I can FINALLY put the letters after my name that all those darned exams were for!!  I am really cracking on with that now.

8.  My animals.  They do give me such love.  Though because they are cats, it is definitely conditional!!  And I am grateful for that as well.  I think. 

9.  I have friends who have joined this blog.  Thanks to all of you! 

Now... over to you lot...!  What are some of the things YOU are grateful for?

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