Sunday, 18 September 2011

Please pray for Fr Tom Feehan

I have just found out that one of my sister's Parish Priests, Fr Tom Feehan, who is well into his 80's had a stroke last Sunday.  He is currently under the care of the Specialist Stroke Unit in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, but he is bound and determined to get better so he can say Mass again.

Please also pray for Father Willy, who is coping with the Parish all by himself.

Thank you.


  1. Thanks for that appeal Clare - will add my petitions tomorrow. Tis a bit late now. M

  2. An update on Fr. Tom - provided by Philippa (10/02/2011).

    Fr. Tom remains in Marlow Cottage Hospital, but is on the mend. Arrangements are being made for him to be transferred to a Residential Nursing Home - also in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England, UK. Once stabilised, it is expected he will be allowed exeats - enabling short returns to his long-time surroundings at St. Augustine Church in High Wycombe.

    Your prayers are working - as ever. Isobel

  3. A further update on Fr. Tom - information gathered ex weekly newsletter of St. Augustine's Church, High Wycombe dated December 3, 2011. Fr. Tom was present at the Christmas Bazaar on Saturday December 3 for a short time - his first visit to the Parish since being taken ill.

    Philippa added the information that Fr. Tom has accepted he will never be able to say Mass again, and has settled happily in to the Residential Nursing Home in Marlow. He is being supported by the Diocese and the Parish are providing funds for the "little extras" to make him comfortable.

    Thanks for your prayers - and keep them going, please.
